Make some noise Montpelier!

Find me an interesting fact about sound.

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52 Responses to Make some noise Montpelier!

  1. Felix says:

    Sound travels at a speed of 767 miles/hour or 1,230 kilometers/hour. Sound travels 4.3 times faster in water than air, having a speed of 1,482 meters/second. Sound travels 3 times faster through steel material, having a speed of 4,512 meters/second. Light travels faster than sound, having a speed of 186,000 miles/second or 299792.458 kilometers/second. You can observe a lightning flash coming first before hearing the sound.

  2. saeef says:

    •Sound comes from vibrations. These vibrations create sound waves which move through mediums such as air and water before reaching our ears

  3. besta says:

    nice work- here is my fact-dogs can hear sound at a higher frequency then humans,allowing them to hear noises we can’t

    • fletm says:

      I did the same fact as you Alex!

    • shakf says:

      The loudest sound naturally occurs on Earth is the sound coming from a volcano eruption. The Krakatoa eruption in 1883 was recorded to have the loudest sound produced in the world. The sound was heard at a 4,000-mile distance.


      alex get another fact for me

  4. kanad says:

    •Sound can’t travel through a vacuum (an area empty of matter). From Dien.

  5. radib says:


  6. alnam1 says:

    Noise comes from vibration

  7. hegda says:

    We are able to hear different sound because as the sound (vibrations) enters our ear, the ear also vibrates.

  8. yankc says:

    Sound waves are also called, “pressure waves.” This is because they push the particles they are passing through.

  9. lopep says:

    Can sound travel through solid objects?
    Yes, sound waves can travel through solid objects. The only thing sound can’t travel through is a vacuum. When any object moves back and forth (when it vibrates) it is pushing the air molecules next to it.

  10. fletm says:

    Dogs can hear sound at a higher frequency than humans, allowing them to hear noises that we can’t.

  11. yankc says:

    From Christina

  12. gohap says:

    All sounds are made by vibrations of molecules through which the sound travels. For instance, when a drum or a cymbal is struck, the object vibrates.

  13. vaids says:

    When Whales communicate with each other under water, their sound can travel up to 800 km in the ocean.

  14. srina says:

    There is no sound in space because there is no air for the sound waves to travel through.

  15. lia says:

    the speed of sound is 676 m1le5 per hour

  16. dailc says:

    Sound can not pass through vacuum(a completely empty space)

  17. dicei says:

    Sound is measured in decibels and pascals instead of the tradition unit of energy measurement, the joule. ISABELA

  18. alnam1 says:

    Noise comes from vibration .

  19. bega says:

    Did you know, the speed of sound is around 767 miles per hour ? Ani Beg

  20. Ella rose says:


  21. janoh says:

    Sound is used by animals to detect danger, warning them of possible attacks before they happen!

  22. fergb says:

    the speed of sound is around 1230 km per hour and I am absolutely the best person ever and cid is the best friend and xav and my name is bailey

  23. lopep says:

    Can sound travel through solid objects?
    Yes, sound waves can travel through solid objects.

  24. radib says:


  25. zancb says:

    Sound is the term to describe what is heard when sound waves pass through a medium to the ear. All sounds are made by vibrations of molecules through which the sound travels. For instance, when a drum or a cymbal is struck, the object vibrates. These vibrations make air molecules move.


  26. kakih says:

    For instance, when a drum or a cymbal is struck, the object vibrates. These vibrations make air molecules move. … When any object vibrates, it causes the particles to move in the air.


  27. sealj says:

    sound is second after light and dogs and cats hear better than poeple

  28. shimk says:

    Sound energy is a form of energy that is associated with vibrations of matter.

  29. boczz says:

    Sound is used by many animals to detect danger, warning them of possible attacks before they happen.Our ears vibrate in a similar way to the original source of the vibration, allowing us to hear many different sounds.

    Dogs can hear sound at a higher frequency than humans, allowing them to hear noises that we can’t.Sound comes from vibrations. These vibrations create sound waves which move through mediums such as air and water before reaching our ears.

  30. dailc says:

    Sound can not pass through vacuum(a completely empty space).Different sounds have different colours on a sound wave. A car was once made and it could go at the speed of sound

  31. shimk says:

    It is a type of mechanical wave which means it requires an object to travel through.

  32. Ella rose says:

    The sound of thunder is produced by rapidly heated air surrounding lightning which expands faster than the speed of sound.

  33. besta says:

    The speed of sound is faster then the speed of light

  34. shimk says:

    This object includes air and water.


  35. boczz says:

    We are able to hear different sound because as the sound (vibrations) enters our ear, the ear also vibrates. Dogs’ ears are more sensitive than human ears which allow them to hear sounds that humans cannot hear. There is no sound in space because there is no object for sound to travel through.

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