Places to live by Mariam

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7 Responses to Places to live by Mariam

  1. Marisha says:

    Wow Mariam i really like this blog it tells me were people might live and the other resson why i like it is because you high litghed the words that people might not know what they mean!

  2. Etana says:

    Great job Mariam! I like this blog because it has lots of facts about where people live around the world

  3. meg says:

    I really like this blog it tells me every thing about humans and plants and animals.

  4. essma says:

    Wow! I wish i lived in an igloo!

  5. Mariam says:

    Thank you

  6. quin says:

    the answer to the questions are:

  7. quin says:

    1. habitat
    2. food ,shelter
    3.eyes, nostrils close underwater. Feet webbed to help move in water
    4.stores water

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