Isle of Wight 2017

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24 Responses to Isle of Wight 2017

  1. sasas says:

    I’m looking for all the activities and our cabin groups.

    From Shuri.

  2. Dousia says:


    I am sooooooooo exited to go to the Isle of Wight!!!

    -Dousia 😀 😀 😀

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. phill says:

    I like the idea of dinosaur isle, Jacobs ladder and pretty much everything! The only thing that I don’t want to do is get up early in the morning!
    From Scarlett

  4. sasas says:

    Also the souvenir shops

    From Shuri

  5. warrh says:

    We are, of course we are
    from hiro and fiz

  6. phill says:

    Hi Year 5
    I am so excited about the trip but if any one knows were the lemonade fountain is please PLEASE tell me or leave a comment.The only reason why I don’t want to go is because I hate being away from my super cute and fluffy dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    from lollipop

    (AKA lola 5rs)

  7. phill says:

    Hi everyone i’m looking forward to the isle of wight especially the lemonade fountain ,t Jacob’s ladder and the DISCO !!!!!!!!


    from Emilia:) 🙂 🙂 🙂

  8. siddz says:

    hi i am so excited! i think Jacob’s ladder sound SO cool
    🙂 :D:)

  9. phill says:

    I can’t wait to go to the Isle of Wight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I especially can’t wait to play airball!What are your favorite activitys to do?????????????????????????????????????????
    from lollipop
    (AKA lola

  10. Dousia says:

    I am really looking forward to doing EVERYTHING on the Isle of Wight except from Jacob’s ladder because I am too scared of heights!

    -Dousia 😀 😉 🙂

  11. azimk says:

    We are looking forward to the dinosaur isle, all of the activities and looking for fossils too. From Sama and Khadija 🙂 🙂

  12. siddz says:

    i CANT wait
    iam so excited to try the lemonade fountain

  13. karaa says:

    I cant wait to go to the isle of wight 🙂

  14. makim says:

    I am looking forward to dinosaur isle and the leap of faith.

  15. abash says:

    do we go quad biking? =)

  16. abash says:

    will it always be good weather?

  17. arifa1 says:

    hello we have got 5 weeks so get ready

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