Hannah’s art week in 5AM

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11 Responses to Hannah’s art week in 5AM

  1. Shirley (Hannah's mum) says:

    I love all the blogs from Art week! Looks like you all really enjoyed it. Hannah definitley did!
    Well done.

  2. kate says:

    fantastic hannah you really tried (sorry about being cheesey)

  3. Dhuha says:

    I did hope that you did have fun!
    thanks for telling us because we might be doing this!
    (happy face)

  4. pirit says:

    wow im the first to blog you cool.
    how long did it take you to do that?

  5. conss says:

    i think that it came out quite well

  6. Rana, Hoda's mum says:

    Last week was it was art week for 5AM. Hoda was very excited, and she found it very interesting, inter-tanning and educational. I hope everyone in the class found last week as exciting as Hoda did.:-)

  7. jamas says:

    You are right art is not just a painting it can be lots of different things.

  8. Lauren says:

    Great work Hannah this is a great blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  9. Eleonora says:

    I think, from what you’ve told me, our Art’s Week will be great! And a great blog. You’re right, art can be many different things!

  10. Hannah says:

    thanks for all your great comments!!!!

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